This page lists the current project wide todos. Items listed in random order without any prioritisation.
Announce publicly
Invite new developers
Write letter of invite to (mesh) communities using the code base
Ask communities to endorse LEDE
Announce feature freeze and start stabilising trunk
Prepare LEDE #1 release
Provide a master for the download mirroring infrastructure
Find mirroring capacity - we liberally distribute rsync keys if you have bandwidth and storage available on trusted infrastructure contact us
Setup an issue tracker
What shall we do about wiki and forum ?
Find a Web Person to do some CSS magic
Review recent IPV6 changes
Review and fix procd, netfid, firewall issues/quirks
Bump all kernels to v4.4
Review PPPoE support
Convert ar71xx to devicetree
Document core services (procd, netifd, …)
Build new UCI docs
Define rules for board support status Green, Orange, Red and start testing all supported boards
integrate keyring support
Define the scope of the first release
Define pre-release testing rules/guidelines
Decide on new naming scheme - YY.MM + animal names have been proposed as an naming option
Rework buildbot setup to allow running more than one build in the same tree
Rework buildbot setup to allow building release on the same setup